Do you wonder why you seem to need that Prilosec? Or whether you must live with "Irritable Bowel Syndrome"? These are "Functional Syndromes" that can be caused by various imbalances in the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive function is so important that problems there can cause chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia pain, restless legs, even mood problems, peripheral neuropathy, allergies, arthritis and immune suppression. The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) investigates the biochemistry of our bodies. They are one of the most important scientific groups in the country, and Elizabeth is working on her certification as a Functional Medicine Practitioner and attended the Functional Medicine Gastrointestinal Module in Austin, Texas for advanced training in February.
How can digestive problems cause chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia pain, mood difficulties and many other conditions? We have an astonishing 100 trillion bacteria in our intestines, or 10 bacteria for every cell in our body. These bacteria "talk" to our immune system. 70% of our immune system is associated with the digestive system, 95% of autoimmune disease is triggered by "leaky gut" or increased intestinal permeability, as the immune system senses toxins leaking into the blood. At IHC we have been working for years with special testing, supplements, and lifestyle changes and sometimes medications to help find and treat these root causes. We have found many people with hidden allergies, lack of stomach acid, parasites, yeast overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine and other problems. Come in and let us help you with digestive problems!! |
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